Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Library at Alexandria

Well this is a funny side-effect of the BC HRT Macleans hearing.

My recollection from my childhood is that Christians had sacked and burned the great library at Alexandria; this seemed reasonable to me, given the way the Christian world seemed arrayed around a budding atheist during my childhood.

Now it appears that the main Sock Puppet (why did they pick the male one? he seemed the stupidest of the three when they were on TVO? Wait! maybe I can guess) during his testimony did not even know the Library ever existed (why does this not surprise me?) and seems unwilling to argue about whether Muslims might have burnt it down.

Of course the truth is many people burnt it. And I don't think anybody knows if there is a sensible way to assign blame for its ultimate demise.

But this hearing now has me thinking maybe Muslims did it, when this had never crossed my mind earlier in life.

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