Friday, May 04, 2007

Cultures Clash

Kevin Padian's testimony in Kitzmiller vs. Dover is now available in a lovely form and oh what a culture clash it reveals. May I also say it is a stunning tutorial on aspects of macro-evolution and the field of paleontology and makes most of what you may have heard from creationists (whoops, advocates of intelligent deisgn) just look flat out as dumb as it should.

So much is telling but this piece of the cross-examination is revealing of what I consider the idiotic nature of those who wish to promote crap like intelligent design.

Q. So you would agree that our understanding of the data are incomplete with regard to the details of human evolution?

A. They're incomplete with regard to virtually everything in evolution, as with everything else in science.

Q. That would include human evolution as those standards identify?

A. I would think so, judging by my understanding of the human fossil record, sure, we've got lots more to learn.

Q. Would you agree that the leap from non-life to life is the greatest gap in scientific hypotheses of earth's early history?

A. I'm not sure, because I'm not an expert on earth's early history before life. There may be lots of other big problems we don't know about.

Q. Do you disagree with that statement or you just don't know?

A. I don't know that I would agree with it because I'm just not that familiar with protozoic earth evolution.

It is my guess the lawyer asking the questions thought he was making points.


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