Monday, November 27, 2006

Help from an Axworthy

I have had great difficulty deciding on how I think people should vote on our utterly silly 'nation' motion, up for a vote in the House of Commons in the next hour.
Steve Paikin did me a service. Whatever my intellectual position, he found an Axworthy totally opposed to the motion!
OK - so I am now in favour.
Of course meanwhile I am forming a motion for the recognition of the Nation of Alliver, occasionally Alliverita, depending on who is living in this house. Even within the Nation of Alliver, we live within Two Solitudes - it is stunning how little the cat Oliver cares for the enthusiasms of the human Alan, and, to a degree, vice versa.
Over the last couple of years I have worried about the name of this blog, but Canada is coming through big time justifying it right now!


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