Sunday, March 12, 2006

More On CSI Miami vs CSI

I have been thinking a lot about why I like the original CSI, and do not feel so compelled by CSI:Miami. Originally I did not get a distinction it is clear many got.

All the CSIs are full of grotesquerie, pseudo-science, and nonsensical notions of what evidence can be gathered and how compelling it can be.

So why is the Las Vegas version so much fun?

1) A superb ensemble cast - the actors just play brilliantly with one another.

2) Office Politics. This is what the original CSI is all about, in the sense that it is what makes it interesting. Gil always takes umbrage at empowerment of his employees. His feedback to them on their performance (which is crucial when they so lack empowerment) is minimal. It is SO real! And so funny. Petersen plays his role superbly. I have not seen ofice politics portrayed so well in any other series.

(Oh and what is CSI_Miami's office politics? This is sad. The second-best investigator is the sister-in-law, and once wife candidate, of Horatio, and they moon occasionally about this in a tiresome way. The brother is dead so I don't get the problem, but maybe my brain lacks something significant. It just makes them boring to me. Seems typically CSI:Miami to me - full of supposed importance and no humour.))

3) Humour.
See above. I laugh constantly watching the first CSI series, almost never on CSI:Miami.

I have seen only one episode of CSI:NY and it was totally dominated by Penelope Ann Miller's breasts; I approve of this, but it does not lead to intelligent commentary.


At 2:20 PM, Blogger Alan Adamson said...

I have watched daVinci's Inquest and liked what I have seen (along with, amazingly, given the things I say, other CBC shows like This is Wonderland) and quite like Nicholas Campbell (it is really neat to see him early in his career in A Bridge too Far). But I have only so much time and CSI is currently winning. I am looking forward to retirement! There should be more time to focus on what is important.
I like the point about excessive beauty in a way, but I have found I am quite hung up now in CSI on Sarah's front tooth gap (which I suspect is contrived).


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